Habituelle is a community.

An image of a woman smiling on a phone screen.


(adj.) [abitɥɛl]

French for habitual, meaning doing constantly or as a habit

In this case, the habit is leadership. This habit does not form easily, but it’s strengthened and comes more naturally as we nurture it through practice. As we form this habit within ourselves, we can pour into others. This is how we vitalize our communities.

I am passionate about women’s leadership. My personal mission is to help women rise up to reach their fullest potential and design a more fulfilled life.

On this mission, I created a photoblog platform, Habituelle, to amplify the voices and stories of women leaders in the Philadelphia region. In a world where I can be anything, I choose to be the megaphone for incredible women who are working hard, leading in their communities, and choosing to lift others as they climb.

As I spoke to dozens of women, I began to hear themes of challenge, needs, and desires

I learned that women were seeking more support — individually and collectively — to be able to navigate the challenges that many of us are facing.

I learned that women are lacking true fulfillment and are feeling stuck on a ladder that was designed for someone else.

I learned that women are craving a sense of community, to know they aren’t alone on whatever rung of the ladder they are on.

A group of women sitting around a coffee table.

We aren't meant to do this life alone.

During my own evolution, I realized that we aren’t meant to make these big life shifts on our own, that it would be easier to have a support network to help navigate the changes. I needed a coach to help me personally and a community to remind me I wasn’t alone.

With this in mind, I created Habituelle Life and Leadership Coaching so that ambitious women can see that finding fulfillment in their personal and professional lives is possible. Redefining success in my own life has allowed me to help others do the same.

Jessi and a woman sitting in chairs talking to each other.

Realize your purpose, expand your potential, own your power.

I love working with ambitious women who want:

Asking for help was never so easy

Click the link below to schedule a free 30-minute consultation call to learn more about the power of coaching.